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The Hill Academy Newsletter- October 4th, 2020

Writer's picture: The Hill AcademyThe Hill Academy

HILL Message (from Athletic Director Brodie Merrill):

One date I had circled on my calendar as we transitioned to our new campus was the Terry Fox Run. We knew with the fall foliage it would be a cool setting for the run. Credit to Coach Magnan and the PG Leadership class for facilitating a great day. The trail was perfect for the run and it was a beautiful fall day in Caledon. 

A story I like to tell before every Terry Fox run is about my best friend growing up Kyle Miller. When I moved to Orangeville at 8 years old, Kyle was one of the first people I met. The cool thing about joining a sports team is that it gives you an “in” to meet new friends. It was neat that I was from Montreal, Kyle from Orangeville, but we had so much in common--especially our passion for sports.

The relationship grew and we got tighter. I can recall one year playing on a hockey team where we had a hard, disciplinarian coach that believed in carrying a small roster, and being the most well conditioned team. Kyle and I were the only two centres that he carried—It was the most fun year of hockey because we always doubled shifted! With that role came responsibility and our Coach held us to a high standard for the shape we were in. We would have hard conditioning drills every practice and I can still remember Kyle and I being competitive and neck and neck in every conditioning drill. We pushed each other to levels that we didn’t think possible. I had never been more tired in trying to keep up with Kyle!

We both went on to pursue lacrosse, Kyle going to Cornell, and I went to Georgetown. In our first year, we were scheduled to play against each other at the Syracuse Carrier Dome the first game of the season. It would be the first time we would ever play against each other. A week prior to the game, Kyle informed me that after receiving an MRI for a knee injury, the doctors found a spot on his leg. This proved to be Osteosarcoma, the same form of cancer that Terry Fox had. Kyle was forced to leave Cornell immediately to go home for a complex leg surgery and chemotherapy. Prior to his surgery, he went on one last run, not knowing if or when he would ever be able to run again (this was a message I wanted to resonate with the students prior to our run). You GET to run!

Through a lot of persistence and mental toughness, Kyle was able to recover and finish his career at Cornell. Despite limited mobility, he was a standout goalie and went on to win a gold medal with the National Men’s Field Lacrosse team in 2006. Pretty remarkable considering the doctors told him he would never play again.

Eight years later, on October 1st (coincidentally the same day as the Terry Fox run last week) the cancer resurfaced and unfortunately spread to the rest of his body. After another courageous battle, Kyle eventually passed.

His story represents the real impact that Terry Fox had on his life and so many others. It also highlights the dynamic that exists at our school and in the interactions and relationships I see play out every day. Being around like minded students, having fun, developing life long friendships, and pushing each other to new heights.


Quote of the Week:

"If you argue for your limitations they are yours."

Rich Bach


Other Notes and Important Information:

Monday Morning Assembly:

We are going to have our first Monday morning assembly tomorrow. Secondary students will tune in by clicking the Zoom link below at 8:30am.

Parking and Pick-up/Drop off:

We are making some adjustments to the pick-up and drop-off locations for the students in order to increase safety and responsibility in our community. Some things that parents should note for this week:

  • Buses will be using the laneway closest to the storage garage for drop-off and pick-up. Signs will be posted for bus-use only.

  • Pick-up and drop-off spots will be designated on the west side of the laneway - signs will be posted for parents.

  • The parking lot on the North-West side of the building will be blocked off and will no longer be used for pick up and drop off. The laneway will be the only designated spot for pick-ups and drop-offs.

  • We also ask that students and parents are mindful of their speed in and around the whole campus and that we will be implementing a one-way policy through the laneway (going north only). Please watch for signs in the coming weeks.

Reminders about masks, hand-washing, supplies and safe-distances

We are happy to be able to be together in our cohorts on campus, but we need everyone's help to create healthy habits for our student-athletes. Our staff is constantly reminding students to sanitize their hands, to keep their masks on their faces properly and to maintain safe-distances in our common areas. Parents and Guardians can help us by reinforcing these principles at home. Students who don't comply will have to be sent home after a warning. Students also need to come prepared for their day with the appropriate supplies. Students cannot share supplies such as chargers, pens, snacks or water bottles. Students found sharing supplies will be deemed as non-compliant and will be sent home.

Daily Attendance:

If your son or daughter is absent, you are to email: In your email, please state the reasoning for why the student is not on-campus. If an email has not been received, the absence will be recorded as un-excused and you will receive a notification.

Students being picked up throughout the day for appointments, etc must notify the night before.

If a student and/ or anyone in their household are experiencing symptoms; students are not to come on campus. Students have been trained on the Hy-Flex model and can tune into their classes remotely or complete their coursework asynchronously.

Allergies/Health history

All students who have serious and/or life-threatening allergies must report those allergies to our administration. In order to make sure we have the appropriate staff alerted, please email with the student's name, specific allergy and reaction as well whether or not the student has an epi-pen (and/or other medicines) with them during the school day. 

Community Involvement Hours:

For the 2020-21 school year, the Ontario Ministry of Education is revising the 40-hour community involvement graduation requirement so that students will not be adversely impacted by the ongoing challenges related to COVID-19. 

For students graduating in the 2020-21 school year, the community involvement graduation requirement will be reduced to a minimum of 20 hours of community involvement activities. This recognizes that graduating students have had barriers to earning their community involvement hours last school year and there may be continued barriers this school year. Please contact for more information.

HILL Athletics

This Week's Lacrosse Schedule:


Remote Non-Athletic Day (no practices).


Grade 9,10, 10 Boys Lacrosse: 8:15- 9:15am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Grade 12, PG Boys Lacrosse: 9:45am- 10:45am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Girls Lacrosse: 12:15pm- 1:15pm practice @ Alder


Grade 9,10, 10 Boys Lacrosse: 8:15- 9:15am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Grade 12, PG Boys Lacrosse: 9:45am- 10:45am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Girls Lacrosse: Team Session


Grade 9,10, 10 Boys Lacrosse: Team Session

Grade 12, PG Boys Lacrosse: Team Session

Girls Lacrosse: 12:15pm- 1:15pm practice @ Teen Ranch


Thanksgiving Holiday- School is Closed

This Week's Hockey Schedule:


Remote Non-Athletic Day (no practices).

Prep ZOOM meeting @ 4:30PM

Meeting ID: 651 377 2631

Passcode: hill1845


Varsity Hockey: 8:15am- 9:15am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Prep Hockey: 8:30am- 9:30am Team Practice @ Alder Arena


Varsity Hockey: 8:15am- 9:15am Practice and Goalie Session @ Teen Ranch

Prep Hockey: 8:30am- 9:30am Goalie Session and Player Skill Practice @ Alder Arena


Varsity Hockey: 8:15am- 9:15am Practice @ Teen Ranch

Prep Hockey: 8:30am- 9:30am Goalie, Defence, and Forward Specific Practice @ Alder Arena


Thanksgiving Holiday- School is Closed

**Please note that parents are NOT permitted inside the arenas during practice time.**


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