September 1, 2024
We are thrilled to welcome our new and returning students and families to campus this Tuesday! The start of a new school year brings fresh opportunities, exciting challenges, and the joy of connecting with our Hill Academy community.
Our team has been hard at work preparing to ensure this year is full of growth, learning, and memorable experiences. We can't wait to see the enthusiasm and energy everyone brings to our campus. Here's to a fantastic year ahead! See you on Tuesday!
In this week's newsletter:
School Hours and Information
School Hours for our Early Years and Primary students are 8:30am-3:30pm.Â
Kindergarten:Â Pick up and drop off with be in the cul-de-sac by the gravel road to the cabin. This will be discussed in detail during the welcome event on September 3rd.Â
Primary (Grade 1-4): Pick up and drop off will be at the front of the school in the designated areas. The primary teachers or Mrs. Kirkpatrick will meet the students upon arrival and walk them into the school. If you are a late arrival, please park in the designated parking area and walk your student into the main building to receive a late slip from Ms. Bush.
September 3, 2024
Kindergarten:Â Our welcome event will start at 8:45 a.m. and go until 9:15 a.m. We will start our tour at the main building. Then, we will proceed to the Kindergarten cabin to review important information and answer any questions you may have. After that, we bid farewell to our families, and your children will embark on their first day of school.Â
Please note that we will have an early pick-up time at 1:00 p.m on September 3rd. (Kindergarten Only)
Primary Grade 1-4:Â September 3rd is a regular school day for our Primary students. Students will be greeted at the main entrance by their teacher anytime after 8:20am.Â
**Please note there is no before or aftercare on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Safety and Security
In preparing for your student-athlete for the school year, we want to remind everyone about the safety and security considerations of arriving and leaving the campus.
For all:
please follow the posted speed limits
please note and follow the one-way driveway and the stop signs
please follow the directions of the staff who are supervising pick-up and drop-off times.
parking lots are to be used for anyone waiting to pick up students. There is no parking in the fire routes, cross walks or kiss and ride areas. If you arrive before the designated pick-up times, you will be directed to park in the lots.
Fire routes are allocated to help Fire and Emergency Services access buildings quickly in the event of an emergency. Blocking these routes, even to drop off or pick up students, can be dangerous for everyone.
Accessible parking spaces are for the exclusive use for individuals holding valid accessible parking permits. Please do not use or block any accessible spaces without a valid permit.
For Primary and Kindergarten (K-4):
Kindergarten drop off will be at the Kindie Loop on the way to the cabin no earlier than 8:20 am (First day- parents are to start at the main building)
Primary drop off will be at the main building, kiss-and-ride no earlier than 8:20 am
Kindergarten pick up will be at the Kindie Loop on the way to the cabin at 3:30pm
Primary pick-up will be at the main building, kiss-and-ride at 3:30pm
Parents/Guardians will be asked to submit a form outlining who is permitted to pick up your student. Anyone not listed on the form must be verified by a parent by phone or email to our attendance office no later than 3:00 pm and they must show identification upon pick-up.
Students attending before and/or after school care should be brought in/picked up in the building through the primary door in the grade 1/2 classroom, no earlier than 7:30 am and picked up no later than 5:00pm. You must register for this service.
For Junior School (5-8):
Junior school drop-off will be at the main building, kiss-and-ride no earlier than 7:55 am
Junior school pick-up will be at main building, kiss-and-ride at 3:50pm
Students attending before and/or after school care will be dropped off/picked up through the primary door and into the ½ Classroom, no earlier than 7:30 am and picked up no later than 5:00pm. You must register for this service.
For Secondary School (9-PG):
Secondary school drop-off will be at the main building, kiss-and-ride no earlier than 7:55 am
Secondary school pick-up will be at main building, kiss-and-ride at 3:50pm
School success is closely tied to good attendance. When students miss learning time, they often struggle with understanding concepts, completing assignments, and performing well on assessments. Consistent attendance helps your child(ren) stay connected both academically and socially. We encourage you to commit to having your child(ren) attend school every day and arrive on time. Regular attendance builds positive habits that will last a lifetime. If your child is absent from school, please remember to email to report the absence.
If your student athlete is going to miss their phys. Ed or sport period for any reason, please remember to email
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives late to school, please park in the designated parking areas and walk them into the main office to receive a late slip. The students will need to provide their educator with the slip upon arrival to class.
Open House
The Hill Academy will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, September 19. More information to come.
Supply List
Grade 1/2 supply list can be found here (As well your son/daughter will require a helmet and skates for the second week of September)
Grade 3/4 supply list can be found here (As well your son/daughter will require a helmet and skates for the second week of September)
Kindergarten: Ms. Hill (
Kindergarten: Ms. Diefenbacher (
Grade 1/2 : Mrs. Goverde (
Grade 3/4 : Ms. Kennedy (
Director of Early Years & Vice Principal: Casey Kirkpatrick (
School Uniforms
Some apparel items are still in the process of being shipped and are expected to arrive in the coming week. We will send out an email once new inventory has arrived.
If you have placed orders, but have not yet received your apparel we will be sending you an email notification once items are ready for pick up.
If you have not yet received your items by the start of school year and do not have any Hill apparel, please wear suitable clothing (keeping in mind only active wear is required the first two days of school i.e. clean running shoes, gym shorts and shirt).
For general information regarding the school uniforms, please refer to the Apparel Guide, and stay tuned to updates in the school store.
New Kindergarten students only will receive a uniform starter kit which includes: t-shirt, shorts, pants and a sweatshirt. You will need to purchase a polo (from our school store) and khaki or black pants/shorts for special occasions (grandparents day, presentations, etc.).
Lunch Program
We will be offering a hot lunch program 3 days a week for both our Early Years and Primary students. You will have the opportunity to purchase Lunch Lady Tuesdays/Thursdays and we will be offering Pizza and Subs on alternating Fridays.Â
'Lunch Lady' will be offering a hot lunch service on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school year. Information on the program (exclusive to Grades K - 4), including options and how to sign up can be found here.
Pizza/Subs: Please watch for a sign up to participate in this during the first week of school.
**Please note that the hot lunch program will not be available during the first week of school.
School Calendars
School Calendars are available and can be viewed in the Parent Resources section of the website. Updates will be made periodically, so continue to check the website for the most up to dates details.
Privit is a safe and secure information management system designed specifically to track health information. Privit registration is now ready to complete. If you have any questions please contact or
New Students
You will be required to create a profile and fill out all information. Please note that a Physicians note stating that you are fit to participate in sport that is within 6 months of the start of school, is only required after Grade 9. Parents are encouraged to fill in as much information as is possible, understanding that some questions will not be applicable and are not required to be filled in.
Returning Students
You will need to login in and update your profile.
Please note that this must be completed prior to the start of school. Failure to complete will delay sport participation.
Registration Instructions: Click HERE
Cell Phone Policy
In April of 2024, Ontario's Ministry of Education introduced guidelines and restrictions for cell phone use by students in schools. Following suit, students in Kindergarten to Grade Eight will need to keep cell phones on silent and out of sight for the entire school day (including breaks). Students in Grades Nine to Twelve will not be permitted to use cell phones during class time unless explicitly instructed by their educator.
For more information on the Ministry of Education's announcement, visit here.
We are super excited to welcome everyone back. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to or 519-941-9917