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Back to School FAQs - 5-12


August 20, 2024

Wow! We can't believe how fast the summer has flown by! We're so excited to welcome everyone back in a few short weeks. As we count down the months, to weeks, to days until the start of school, here are a few friendly reminders:

  • September 3 is the first day of school

  • School calendars are available for Junior School and Senior School, but are subject to change

  • September 19 we will be hosting an open house along with a Thursday Night Lights Red vs White Lacrosse game - details to follow


School Uniforms

Shipments of the 2024-25 School Uniforms are coming in daily to the school store. All sizes are expected to be received by the last week of August. Keep checking the store for updated stock.


For general information regarding the school uniforms, please refer to the Apparel Guide, and stay tuned to updates in the school store.


School Store

Join the Lunch Program

Find information on The Hill's Lunch Program here: Lunch Program


Transportation is available from locations across the GTA. For information on the transportation program and to sign up, check Parent Resources. Or for general transportation inquiries email

High School Course Selection

All high school students who have not yet completed their course selections, please do so as soon as possible. Schedules will be distributed the first day of school. Course Selection

School Calendars

School Calendars are available and can be viewed in the Parent Resources section of the website.


Updates will be made periodically, so continue to check the website for the most up to dates details.


We are super excited to welcome everyone back in a few short weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to or 519-941-9917

Cell Phone Policy

In April of 2024, Ontario's Ministry of Education introduced guidelines and restrictions for cell phone use by students in schools. Following suit, students in Kindergarten to Grade Eight will need to keep cell phones on silent and out of sight for the entire school day (including breaks). Students in Grades Nine to Twelve will not be permitted to use cell phones during class time unless explicitly instructed by their educator.

For more information on the Ministry of Education's announcement, visit here.

Privit Registration

Privit is a safe and secure information management system designed specifically to track health information. Privit registration is now ready to complete. If you have any questions please contact or


New Students

You will be required to create a profile and fill out all information.  Please note that a Physicians note stating that you are fit to participate in sport that is within 6 months of the start of school, is only required for Grade 9-PG students. Parents are encouraged to fill in as much information as is possible, understanding that some questions will not be applicable and are not required to be filled in.


Returning Students

You will need to login in and update your profile.


Please note that this must be completed prior to the start of school.  Failure to complete will delay sport participation.


Registration Instructions: Click HERE


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