Hello Hill Family,
This past week, I found myself reflecting on the impact of the people we choose to surround ourselves with and how they influence our performance, mindset, and growth. It’s a concept that shows up daily here at The Hill, where our students thrive, not just because of their individual talents but because of the collective energy and shared goals within our community.
The idea that our environment shapes us is grounded in research. Studies have shown that individuals working in close proximity to high performers in an office setting experience a boost in their own productivity. Being near people who are motivated, disciplined, and success-oriented creates an atmosphere where excellence becomes contagious.
At The Hill, students benefit from being part of a group that values academic achievement, personal growth, and athletic success. They challenge and inspire one another to aim higher, whether it’s mastering a challenging subject or excelling in athletics. The shared drive within our student body fosters a culture where striving for your Highest Level of Achievement becomes the norm.
As we move into the second half of the year, I encourage everyone to think about the environments we create and the people we choose to keep close. Are we surrounding ourselves with individuals who lift us up, inspire us, and help us grow? And just as important, are we being the person who has a positive influence on others?
“We are mirrors. The people with whom we surround ourselves shape us, and we shape them, too” - Brad Stulberg
Drazen Glisic
Sports Science and Athlete Performance
Please find Exams FAQs here
In this week's newsletter:
Secondary School Exams
Secondary exams are scheduled for January 16, 2025 to January 22, 2025. You can see the exam schedule here. These are formal assessments that must be written on the scheduled date. Any missed exams will require a doctor's note to write on a new date. Students also need to be available on Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 in case of an exam being cancelled for inclement weather. For example, if there is an inclement weather day on Thursday, January 16, those exams will be rescheduled to Tuesday, January 21. Any conflicts should be communicated to Mr. Moore in order to write on a different date.
Meet Chef Michael
As the kitchen renovations near completion, we are excited for you to meet Michael Chlapak. Over the last decade, Michael has carved out an impressive legacy, gaining insights and expertise under the watchful eye of renowned Chef Roberto Florindi.
His culinary journey took flight at the esteemed Terra Cotta Inn, where he honed his craft and developed a flair for creating wholesome dishes. From the sophistication of fine dining to the comforting allure of pub fare, Michael has worked in numerous environments, bringing his unique flavor combinations to every plate.
Having interned with a Michelin-star chef and worked with other Canadian celebrity chefs, Michael’s culinary style is as colorful as his personality. He’s dedicated to crafting kid-friendly meals that are not only delicious but also loaded with the nutrients that fuel athletes’ ambitions!
Now, Michael is thrilled to embark on his next adventure with The Hill Academy, ready to inspire young minds and taste buds alike. Get ready for an unforgettable culinary experience! More information on the revamped food options will be coming soon, stay tuned!
PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal
Please note that the parent and student portal for Power School will be disabled on January 16 until Semester 1 reports are sent home. Students will receive copies of their semester 2 schedules next week.
Guidance Appointments: Grade 11
Students in grade 11 are encouraged to book meetings with Mrs. Flynn in the coming weeks to discuss NCAA eligibility, university applications and course selection. Please use this link to book an appointment with Mrs. Flynn.
Ontario University Application Centre
Ontario University Application deadline: JANUARY 15th, 2025
January 15th is the deadline for applicants to submit their completed applications to the OUAC. The OUAC will continue to process applications received after this date and distribute them to the Ontario universities; however, specific university deadlines will apply. You must let Mrs. Flynn know if you have, or plan to submit an application through the OUAC.
Phys Ed This Week
Below you will find an overview of what student-athletes are focusing on during their physical educations sessions.

Click Image to Enlarge
Cold Weather Policy
As the winter season is now upon us, we want to remind everyone of our cold weather policy to ensure the safety and well-being of our students while they are outdoors. Please review the guidelines below, which outline how we manage outdoor recess and activities during periods of extreme cold and wind chill:
Dress for the Weather
Students should wear warm, layered clothing, including hats and gloves, when outdoors. Proper attire is essential for staying comfortable and safe during colder temperatures.
Temperature Guidelines for Outdoor Recess
- When the wind chill or extreme cold is between **-20°C and -24°C**, outdoor recess will be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes (or less based on our professional discretion, if it is extremely windy)
- When the wind chill or extreme cold is **below -25°C**students will remain indoors for recess and other activities.
We kindly ask parents to ensure their children are dressed appropriately for the weather each day. Layers, insulated outerwear, and waterproof boots are strongly recommended during this season.
Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe and comfortable during the colder months.
Inclement Weather Procedure
Depending on the weather and the conditions, one of two decisions will be made:
1. School closure- remote learning
All buses cancelled; students are to perform their schoolwork remotely. This includes before and after care.
2. School Bus Cancellation
Either specific buses or all buses are canceled, and the school remains open for staff and students that can safely travel. Before and After care will still be operating.
We will do our best to communicate our decision by 6am, utilizing email and social media channels. Decisions will be made considering the safety of students and staff on both the way to and from campus.
Missing Item Check
We kindly ask if you could take a moment to check with your child to see if they may have any items that don’t belong to them. Sometimes, items like clothing, water bottles, boots or sports equipment can get mixed up during the busy school day.
If you come across anything that might not belong to your child, please feel free to send it back to school, and we’ll ensure it’s returned to its rightful owner.
Thank you so much for your help and support!
The Hill Partners with Atiba Hutchinson
We are excited to let you know that we have partnered with Canadian Soccer Legend Atiba Hutchinson in creating a March Break Soccer Camp (March 10-14). The camp will be specific to 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 born rep soccer athletes. For more information, read here. * IMPROVED PRICING *
March Break and Summer Camps
The Hill is excited announce the following upcoming camps:
March Break Soccer Camp - March 10-14
March Break Hockey Camp - March 11-13
Multi-Sport Summer Camp - June 30-July 4
Boys Lacrosse Camp - July 14-18
Girls Lacrosse Camp - July 21-25
Multi-Sport Summer Camp - July 28-Aug 1
Hill Student-Athletes can use the code "COACHCAM" for 15% off Summer Camps. Stay tuned for more Summer Camp announcements!

Sports schedules can be found in the image below for the week of December 16-20. Stay up to date by checking TeamSnap for your individual team's calendar.

(click on image to enlarge)
Exam FAQs
When are exams scheduled?
Thursday, January 16
Friday, January 17
Monday, January 20
Tuesday, January 21 (make up day)
Wednesday, January 22 (PD day that may become a make up day, if necessary)
What time are exams?
All exams are scheduled from 9:00-12:00. Students should arrive 15 minutes early so they have the full three hours to write. Students must remain in the room until 10:00. Any students who arrive after 10:00 will not be permitted to write.
What happens if there is inclement weather?
If there is weather preventing students from attending an exam, that exam will be rescheduled to Tuesday, January 21. For example, if there is a snow day on Thursday, January 16, the exams scheduled for that day will move to Tuesday, January 21.
How will I know if an exam is rescheduled?
Exams will proceed as planned unless you receive communication directly from the school.
Will the bus run during exams?
Yes, our K-8 students have regularly scheduled programming during exams. Buses will follow regular arrival and departure times. If you normally take the bus but will leave after your exam, you need to sign out and communicate that to attendance and your bus driver.
What do I need to bring to my exam?
Students should bring a writing utensil, calculator (if needed), and a water bottle. A phone cannot be used in place of a calculator.
Will the meal plan be offered during exams?
What do students wear during exams?
Students are expected to be in uniform for exams. They are welcome to wear their Friday uniform.
When can students leave?
Students are welcome to go home when they have completed their exam.
Are non-residence students allowed in dorm rooms while they wait for their ride or bus?
Non-residence students are never allowed in dorm rooms. Students are welcome to wait in flex spaces while they are waiting for the bus or a ride.
Will the gym be open during exams?
Students are welcome to workout between 8:00 and 1:00. If they have no exam scheduled on a day, they are welcome at the school to exercise at these times.
What do students do between 12-4?
If they are able to, students are welcome to go home after their exam. If they plan on staying on campus, there are spaces available to complete final tasks and study for exams.
What if a student is sick and unable to attend an exam?
Students are expected to write their exams on their scheduled date. If they are unable to attend due to illness, a doctor’s note will need to be submitted to the vice principal in order to reschedule it.
Daily Timetables
Daily timetables are available in the Hill Families > Parent Resources section of our website, alongside other helpful links for parents.
Code of Conduct Forms
Code of Conduct Forms are past due if they have not been handed in! Please ensure your student-athletes has complete this.
Junior School received a paper copy from their homeroom teacher and can access a digital copy to print on their homeroom Google Classroom.
High School can assess a copy of their period 6 Google Classroom.
Labeling Items
With so many activities and practices happening daily, it's easy for items to get misplaced. To help keep track of uniforms, equipment, and personal items, we kindly ask that all student-athletes have their belongings clearly labeled with their name. This simple step ensures that lost items can be quickly returned and helps maintain organization throughout the day. Thank you for helping us keep our athletes focused and prepared!
Safety and Security
In preparing for your student-athlete for the school year, we want to remind everyone about the safety and security considerations of arriving and leaving the campus.
For all:
Please follow the posted speed limits
Please note and follow the one-way driveway and the stop signs
Please follow the directions of the staff who are supervising pick-up and drop-off times.
Parking lots are to be used for anyone waiting to pick up students. There is no parking in the fire routes, crosswalks or kiss and ride areas. If you arrive before the designated pick-up times, you will be directed to park in the lots.
Fire routes are allocated to help Fire and Emergency Services access buildings quickly in the event of an emergency. Blocking these routes, even to drop off or pick up students, can be dangerous for everyone.
Accessible parking spaces are for the exclusive use for individuals holding valid accessible parking permits. Please do not use or block any accessible spaces without a valid permit.
Absences and Late Arrivals
School success is closely tied to good attendance. When students miss learning time, they often struggle with understanding concepts, completing assignments, and performing well on assessments. Consistent attendance helps your child(ren) stay connected both academically and socially. We encourage you to commit to having your child(ren) attend school every day and arrive on time. Regular attendance builds positive habits that will last a lifetime. If your child is absent from school, please remember to email attendance@thehillacademy.com to report the absence.
If your student athlete is going to miss their Phys. Ed or sport period for any reason, please remember to email DGlisic@thehillacademy.com.
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives late to school, please park in the designated parking areas and walk them into the main office to receive a late slip. The students will need to provide their educator with the slip upon arrival to class.
Cell Phone Policy
In April of 2024, Ontario's Ministry of Education introduced guidelines and restrictions for cell phone use by students in schools. Following suit, students in Kindergarten to Grade Eight will need to keep cell phones on silent and out of sight for the entire school day (including breaks). Students in Grades Nine to Twelve will not be permitted to use cell phones during class time unless explicitly instructed by their educator.
For more information on the Ministry of Education's announcement, visit here.
